"She was born wild and curious. A cage is no place for someone like that.'"

The Journey of a lifetime for women who are tired of living someone else's life and playing by someone else's rules. Journey towards a life you love and along the way, center your nervous system, explore what you're aching for, and embody your true self. Our blend of soul and life archeticture is proven to open the door to your soul's happiness and help create an actionable plan to move you towards your dreams.

Are you tired of living someone else's life?

If that is you, keep reading, you’re in the right place.

The world has gotten so noisy, you can’t even hear yourself think, let alone hear the voice of your soul. You have been conditioned for years to conform. To be the “good” girl.To wear the “right” thing. To have a “good” job.

The bad new is, that living by one someone else’s terms leaves you yearning for a life that feels unreachable. It conditions you to live small. It leaves you aching to be SEEN.

Does fear of judgement stop you from following your heart?

Now for the good news; we have been there and we know how to fix it. Psychology has proven that women thrive when bonding in sisterhood and community. Research has demonstrated it is damn near impossible to make changes in your life when your nervous system is always in fight/flight. And you know, no matter of success, financial or otherwise, will make you happy if your heart’s not in it, and that is why we have built Untamed.

During weekly live sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to...

  • Practice embodiment through nervous system healing practices, breathwork, meditation and energy healing.
  • Gain a community of sisterhood like-hearted women from around the world.
  • Feel what physicists have known all along, the power of our thoughts combined with the intention of heart, can make our dreams reality.

Is your soul aching for you to live authentically?

The proven practices of Untamed will help you tune into your heart
and begin to see your life through a lens free of judgment and fear.

What is Untamed?
90 Min Virtual Group Sessions each Monday, starting Feb 3rd.

2x Ceremonies/Rituals a month, then 2x integration sessions a month.

Ceremonies & Rituals include (but not limited to):
Shamanic work
Energy work
Sound Journey

Integration & Sisterhood Sessions include:
Nervous System Testing/Resetting
Cyclic Living
Life Architecture

Untamed is for women who know, in their bones, that there should be something more.

That the emptiness and longing they feel is carrying a message.

Untamed is the path to fulfillment, empowerment, and connection.


Becoming UNTAMED

Somatic Healing

Your body is so intuitive that it will protect you whether you want it to or not. Study after study have shown that the physical body will choose a known hell over an unknown heaven every time. Until you heal your nervous system through deliberate practice, you will not be able to deviate from previous behavior patterns no matter how bad you want to.

Soul Journey

Finding your soul's purpose is no small task. Untamed has curated a number of intentional practices to enhance the volume of your intuition, to form a connection with your true soul. Building this bond through time spent in feminine ceremony, breathwork, energy healing, mediation and intuitive movement will create the framework for your spiritual transformation.

Image of people donating food to a charity

Life Architecture

 It's easy to win at the game of life if you can stack the deck in your favor. Unlearning years of conditioning and self-doubt will allow you to begin to see stepping stones that were hidden from you up until now. Freeing yourself from fear and learning how to work with the laws of the universe will reveal the endless possibilities in your life.

Feminine Ceremony

Spending time in ceremony means spending time with your wild open heart, as a hollow bone ready to be filled divine spirit. It's being intentional with tuning into our soul. It allows you to create sacred ritual with yourself. Because you are a divine being. You alone have the ability to connect heaven and earth.