"She was born wild and curious. A cage is no place for someone like that.'"

A 6-Month Journey back to yourself and toward a life that you love. Experience a transformative path full of sisterhood, loving support, trauma healing, personal development faciliation, and feminine ceremony. Expect the extrodinary, our soul architecture weaves deep spiritual insight through a transformation program to awaken your wildest potential and create a life path greater than you thought possible.

It's Time to be UNTAMED

You've put the needs and desires of others ahead of your own for so long that your body actually believes that your needs and desires don't matter. Your body might believe this so strongly that you can't dream a dream if you tried...

Enough putting everyone else first—it's your turn.

Stop waiting for permission. This is your life, play by your rules. Untamed begins by pulling back the curtain on your soul. Our program begins by teaching you how to embrace and tap into your feminine wisdom. Once you are reconnected to your intuition, you will begin to heal your trauma and break down the barriers your body has built to protect you. You will begin to see a clear path towards your purposeful life.

As you begin to to walk down the path our soul architecture sessions include breathwork, spiritual insight, energy healing, and lessons on the history of feminine power and patriarchy dynamic will provide a framework for you to continue your spiritual growth. These will be accompanied by life architecure sessions where tough love, accountibility and strategic planning will lay the path to a life greater than you thought possible.

Break free from the cage, it's time to be UNTAMED.


I am easily affected by communal and global events, and all week long, I could feel my body tensing up. By Friday the 13th, I knew it was time to do a screen detox and complete my stress cycles. Tiff and Jill led us through breathwork, ecstatic dance, and guided meditations that were exactly what I needed! I danced out my stress and left feeling cleansed and ready to face the world.


I felt it was hard to connect with a group of like minded women in the Kansas Area until I came to the first few LaLoba events. Wow. They're really here! All of the women at the LaLoba events are beautiful, powerful, loving, fierce, spiritual beings with such good hearts and the urge to explore, heal, and grow. All while having FUN. Jill and Tiffany captured our hearts as soon as they began describing the LaLoba story and how it would support women like all of us. After just a few evenings together, they taught us so much about how to tune into our bodies, the nature world around us, all while flowing with our hectic day to day lives- but not fighting against our bodies! I can't wait for the next event!


Sometimes, what a woman is "supposed to be", may not be what she truly is or wants to be. I see LaLoba as a collective of fierce women, all on our own journeys, seeking the pathway of healing, connecting, and resurrecting the authentic self.


Coming Soon.

Becoming UNTAMED

Somatic Healing

Your body is so intuitive that it will protect you whether you want it to or not. Study after study have shown that the physical body will choose a known hell over an unknown heaven every time. Until you heal your nervous system through deliberate practice, you will not be able to deviate from previous behavior patterns no matter how bad you want to.

Soul Journey

Finding your soul's purpose is no small task. Untamed has curated a number of intentional practices to enhance the volume of your intuition, to form a connection with your true soul. Building this bond through time spent in feminine ceremony, breathwork, energy healing, mediation and intuitive movement will create the framework for your spiritual transformation.

Image of people donating food to a charity

Life Architecture

It's easy to win at the game of life if you can stack the deck in your favor. Unlearning years of conditioning and self-doubt will allow you to begin to see stepping stones that were hidden from you up until now. Freeing yourself from fear and learning how to work with the laws of the universe will reveal the endless possibilities in your life.

Feminine Ceremony

Spending time in ceremony means spending time with your wild open heart, as a hollow bone ready to be filled divine spirit. It's being intentional with tuning into our soul. It allows you to create sacred ritual with yourself. Because you are a divine being. You alone have the ability to connect heaven and earth.