Her wild nature carries everything a woman needs to know.

Join our Sacred Community of women who are tired of longing for more and are ready to find it. WILD OPEN HEART provides you with resources, daily practices and support to feel connected to the divine as well as your own sacred feminine power.

Wild Open Heart

Do you feel exhausted and frustrated? Do you find yourself longing for more in life? Do you continually put your desires and needs last? Maybe you've begun to realize that there is something more but you have no idea where to begin.


It is time to embrace your Wild Open Heart and empower your inner sacred feminine.


Stop stifling your desires to make others comfortable; it's time to set yourself free. Reject the need for external approval and live authentically on your terms. Make yourself a priority and experience the freedom to create your own reality and express your true self. Craft a life that aligns with your purpose.


Welcome to WILD OPEN HEART.  


I am easily affected by communal and global events, and all week long, I could feel my body tensing up. By Friday the 13th, I knew it was time to do a screen detox and complete my stress cycles. Tiff and Jill led us through breathwork, ecstatic dance, and guided meditations that were exactly what I needed! I danced out my stress and left feeling cleansed and ready to face the world.


I felt it was hard to connect with a group of like minded women in the Kansas Area until I came to the first few LaLoba events. Wow. They're really here! All of the women at the LaLoba events are beautiful, powerful, loving, fierce, spiritual beings with such good hearts and the urge to explore, heal, and grow. All while having FUN. Jill and Tiffany captured our hearts as soon as they began describing the LaLoba story and how it would support women like all of us. After just a few evenings together, they taught us so much about how to tune into our bodies, the nature world around us, all while flowing with our hectic day to day lives- but not fighting against our bodies! I can't wait for the next event!


Sometimes, what a woman is "supposed to be", may not be what she truly is or wants to be. I see LaLoba as a collective of fierce women, all on our own journeys, seeking the pathway of healing, connecting, and resurrecting the authentic self.


Coming Soon.

Building your Wild Open Heart

Monthly Ceremonies

In our sacred container, experience a metamorphosis designed to deepen the connection with your favorite self and the divine feminine. Through guided meditations, anointment rituals, and altar settings, these ceremonies foster a profound communion with the Goddess within, nurturing your inner wild, intuition, and a sense of community.

Weekly Oracle Readings

Unlock the transformative power of intuition through oracle cards, as they serve as a conduit to connect with the divine energy guiding your path. Weekly oracle card draws offer insights into the unique energies at play in your life, empowering you to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and foster a deeper connection with your inner wisdom.

Image of people donating food to a charity

At Home Ritual

Whether it's indulging in a soothing bath ceremony, commencing each day with a sacred start ritual, finding solace in meditation practices, recording your innermost thoughts through journaling, or adorning yourself with sacred symbols and jewelry, these practices enhance your spiritual connection and infuse everyday moments with intention and meaning.

Legend of LaLoba

Legend has it that there is an old wise woman in the mountains of Mexico. She collects the bones of wild animals and sings them back to life with her wild wisdom. So many of us are sleepwalking through life, failing to nourish our souls. It's time to collect your own bones and sing yourself back to life. The time to awaken to your wild is now.